Saturday, January 26, 2013

Journal Entry

I sit and wait...waiting for something to happen, but nothing does. I sit and wait for someone to say something, but no one says anything. So I write. I write my troubles, I write my dreams, I write about all the things that come into my mind.
Some think I'm weird. They might be right. What's a writer without a little crazy? What's a writer without voices in their heads telling them that their works sucks and they must do better? A writer is an artist. A notebook is their canvas. The canvas sits and waits for a writer to paint a beautiful picture with their words, and have them travel through time and space.
Writing is a great journey. Writing takes us places that we long and dream to be. I dream to be in a mystical realm where I can have great power. Fictional writing, fictional dreaming, fictional reading! Reading is the porthole to these worlds. Without reading there is no writing, and without writing there is no reading. The two come hand in hand.
They are like siblings, brother and sister, twins maybe. Without one there isn't the other. Ying and Yang, peace and war. We must live with both or live without either.
Writing is a great passion. Writing is what I do best. Writing is my life obsession. Writing. Writing. Writing.
I just love to write.

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